HomeKOKBOROKBAI MCQKOKBOROKBAI MCQKOKBOROK LITERARY MCQ PART – 215 September 20241280FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp /32 KOKBOROK LITERARY MCQ PART - 2Kokborok Questions Please Provide Your information for acces the Questions. 1 / 321. Agartala Bijap melao karijakmani puila kokborok bijapni mung tamo? 1. Chethuang 2. Hathai 3. Koktang - Koklop Bwtang 4. Kokborok Koklop Bwchap 2 / 322. 'Nakhwrai' kothomabwsa bijap bo bisio karijak? 1. 1987 2. 1989 3. 1990 4. 1988 3 / 323. 'Kokborma ong Troipur Byakaran' kokma bijap swinai sabo? 1. Thakur Radhamohan Debbarma 2. Daulat Ahmed 3. Shyamalal Debbarma 4 / 324. 'Nakhwrai' kotomabwsano sabo swi? 1. Binoy Debbarma 2. Dr. Atul Debbarma 3. Sudhanwa Debbarma 4. Shyamalal Debbarma 5 / 325. Hathai bijap buphuru karijak? 1. 1956 2. 1960 3. 1978 4. 1972 6 / 326. Jalai tokpupu Kothomabwsa swinai sabo? 1. Daulat Ahmed 2. Haripada Debbarma 3. Shyamalal Debbarma 7 / 327. Kokborokbai mung pharjak puila koktwma bwlaini mung tamo? 1. Tripura Koktun 2. Chini Ha 3. Chini kok 4. Kokborok 5. Yapiri 8 / 328. 'Kokborma' bijap swinai sabo sabo? 1. Daulat Ahmed tei Mohammed Umor 2. Dr. Atul Debbarma tei Nanda Kumar Debbarma 3. Shyamalal Debbarma tei Nagendra Jamatia 9 / 329. Kokborokni puila sonet koklop swinai sabo? 1. Sudhanwa Debbarma 2. Shyamalal Debbarma 3. Bijoy Debbarma 4. Binoy Debbarma 10 / 3210. Sokorom Kothomayung sabo swi? 1. Chandramani Debbarma 2. Shyamalal Debbarma 3. Sudhanwa Debbarma 4. Runit Debbarma 11 / 3211. 'Kokborok: Laguage Origin and Development' bijap bo bisio tikhwlaijakkha? 1. 2015 2. 2014 3. 2012 4. 1956 12 / 3212. 'Chini ha' komthingnai sabo? 1. Mahendra Debbarma 2. Amarendra Debbarma 3. Pravat Rai 4. Sudhanwa Debbarma 13 / 3213. Tongthai Naitugui swinai sabo? 1. Dr. Atul Debbarma 2. Shyamalal Debbarma 3. Sudhanwa Debbarma 14 / 3214. Kokborok Kokrwbaini puila sonet bijapni mung tamo? 1. Tiitun 2. Bolongni bwsajwksong mwsao 3. Sonet Koktangrog 4. Haping Garingo Chibuksa Ringo 15 / 3215. Kokborok bo bisio Tripura Haphangni kok hinwi gosijak? 1. 18 December 1979 2. 19 January 1979 3. 20 january 1976 16 / 3216. 'Koktang koloi' bo bisio swijak? 1. 1956 2. 1987 3. 1953 4. 1966 17 / 3217. 'Phirogwi phaidi' tamoni bijap? 1. Rwchapmung 2. Koklop 3. Kothomayung 4. Kaklaima Jorani Koklop 18 / 3218. 'Nakhwrai' kothomabwsa bijapno swinai wngkha - 1. Sudhanwa Debbarma 2. Binoy Debbarma 3. Shyamalal Debbarma 4. Sudhanya Tripura 19 / 3219. 'Nokarini kothoma' swinai wngkha - 1. Rabindra Kishore Debbarma 2. Haripada Debbarma 3. Sudhanwa Debbarma 4. Shyamalal Debbarma 20 / 3220. 'Kokborok kokni sinimung' swinai sabo? 1. Naresh Chandra Debbarma 2. Binoy Debbarma 3. Rabindra Kishore Debbarma 21 / 3221. Bongshi thakurni soi mung wngkha? 1. Amrendra Debbarma 2. Sahil Debbarma 3. Dr. Atul Debbarma 4. Sudhanwa Debbarma 22 / 3222. Kokborok bo kok bosongo khopjak? 1. Astro- Asiatic 2. Indo Arian 3. Sino-Tibetan 23 / 3223. Kumari, Madhuti tei Rupashree jaijor Tripurani bo thaio kwlai? 1. Teliamura 2. Khowai 3. Chakmaghat 4. Sepahijala 24 / 3224. Jonosiksha somiti motha bo bisio songchajakkha? 1. 26 december 1946 2. 27 december 1945 3. 23 december 1945 25 / 3225. 'Nokarini Kothoma' bijap bo bisio karijak? 1. 1996 2. 1986 3. 1956 4. 1954 26 / 3226. 'Surjaphuja Khonaimani' bo bubagwrani jorao swijak? 1. Bubagwra Mahendra Manikya 2. Bubagwra Kalyan Manikya 3. Bubagwra Ram manikya 4. Bubagwra Krishna Kishore Manikya 27 / 3227. 'Studies In Sino-Tibetan Languages' Bijapno sabo swi? 1. Dr. Satya narayn Goswami 2. Sir George Abraham Grearson 3. Tarapuruwala 4. Daulat Ahmed 5. Suniti Kumar Chatarjee 28 / 3228. 'Koktang koloi' swinai sabo? 1. Shyamalal Debbarma 2. Bongshi Thakur 3. Thakur Radhamohan Debbarma 4. Dr. Atul Debbarma 29 / 3229. Kokborokni puila koktwma bwlaini mung tamo? 1. Yapiri 2. Hachukni Kok 3. Tripura Koktun 4. Chini Ha 5. Hachukni Khorang 30 / 3230. 'Nakhwrai' Tamoni Bijap? 1. Koklop 2. Kothomayung 3. Thungnuk 4. Kothomabwsa 31 / 3231. Hathai bijapno sabo swi? 1. Daulat Ahmed 2. Sudhanwa Debbarma 3. Haripada Debbarma 4. Nagendra Jamatia 32 / 3232. 'Tripura Koktun' puila komthingnai sabo? 1. Mahendra Debbarma 2. Shyamalal Debbarma 3. Purna Chandra Debbarma 4. Sudhanwa Debbarma Your score is 0% Post Views: 298 ShareFacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp 1 CommentI like for kokborokwebsite ReplyLeave a reply Cancel replyComment:Please enter your comment! Name:*Please enter your name here Email:*You have entered an incorrect email address!Please enter your email address here Website: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 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